Perle cotton tread has been around for ages. It comes in shanks, but also on rolls. I think you could find it most places that sell craft supplies. Maybe you JoAnn's gals know if they handle it?? I get mine here and there as I come across it, and since I've been using it for more than 10 years now, I have many, many colors. I use the size 8 for most everything. Size 5 is available but is thicker than size 8. The bigger the number, the finer the tread. A size 12 is almost like quilting thread. And yes, you DO need a needle with a bigger eye. Often a crewel embroidery needle will work, or some of the larger eyed embroidery needles. The whole idea is to get a bigger stitch that shows up more on the fabric, goes faster and has a more primative look about it. It looks great on flannel quilts.
It's spelled PERLE, because it was originally(maybe still is) a product of France. I know DMC makes it, and most of mine is DMC. I will write more and show more examples soon.
I love to do the bigger stitch quilting with Perle Cotton, it does go fast and has such a wonderful "homey" and cozy look to it. Take good care!
I love using Perle cotton. My local JoAnns carries only black and ecru in size 5, 8 and 12. Once I stopped at a needlepoint shop in Solvang that had the MOST amazing supply. I hope to return sometime and pick up some fun colors to have on hand *s*
I love the look of perle cotton. I haven't gotten into hand quilting, but there are some smaller pieces I can see done with that thicker thread. Sooner or later ...
Thanks for your tutorials and ideas Finn. I finally got organized and cut a bunch of foundation blocks and have been cleaning out scraps making crumb blocks.... I'm quite excited to be starting on what feels like a truly scrap quilt :-)
I love Perle cotton, too. I like your black stitches on patchwork, they show up so well...yummy! Thank you Finn!
i love the perle cotton. last time we went to escanaba there is a jo anns there and they had this kool gift pac with about 30 skiens of perle cotton in bright colors, i bought two. i am toying with the idea of making a hawaiian bed size quilt. i love to applique so that will go quickly but i suck at hand quilting but i decided i would use the perle cotton and do the "big stitch"...isnt the most important thing "consistancy in stitch length" not the size of the stitch.
Hi Finn! Thanks for all your inspiration. I have been seeing your crocheted rugs all along, and in the back of my mind have wanted to try it. Thanks for the tips. AND I have always admired your Perle thread quilting, looking forward to the official tutorial. It looks like it would be hard to push through the fabric.
Great sunset picture! Take care, Susan
I'm still on "connect the threads" part one. But I'm ready to try a small coaster or bowl, DH has a "procedure" on his back in the hospital tomorrow, maybe I can get it all together to go with us, before 5:30 am,,,,,maybe not ;-]
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