Back on Sept. 18th,I decided to challenge myself and see if I could finish some old UFOs before we rolled into the second decade of the 21st century. I invited anyone who wanted to, to join me. Over the period of several weeks, 31 gals joined, making us 32 stitchers strong.
We chose the number of UFOs that we thought we could finish by midnight on Dec.31st. The total number pledged was 175 UFOs! That's a lot of UFOs that wouldn't be laying around anymore. I am extremely happy with the outcome, and I hope you will be also.
Last year, I didn't seperate those who finished all or some, from those who didn't. In thinking about it, that doesn't seem fair to those who really made an exception effort. I've seperated it this year, and I hope that doesn't hurt anyones feeling. I feel we have the same opportunity, and I have always been willing to adjust the number of finishes up or down rather than have you feel overwhelmed. I believe you will find that statement in the first postings, or in the email I sent you when you joined us. Enough said. I think EVERY finish(of an old project) is a VICTORY.
Of the 175 UFOs pledged, 148 were finished!!! That is only 27 short of our goal. There were 8 joiners that I have heard nothing from regarding their pledges. Together, they had pledged(to themselves and us) to finish 27 UFOs. Please do grab your calculaor and check my math..I am aging you know...LOL.
What I've come up with is that that 24 of us removed 148 UFOs from our closets, drawers, and bags. Now that is TOTALLY AWESOME in my book. And I'd call it a SUCCESS for each of us. Thank you for joining in the fun. If I do it again, you'll know where to find me..I still have closer to a mountain than a molehill to finish *VBS* And a very special thanks to SUPER OVER ACHIEVERS(you know who you all are)who helped make this a very successful challenge! And YOU are the victors.
good job and congratulations to all the finishers!!! I'm hanging my head in shame...........
I think we definitely need a drumroll. Awesome job everyone. Thanks for doing this Finn. Hugs
Well done; and thank you for hosting this, Finn, it really got me going!
Happy New Year to you and your UFO mountain; 2010 will be the perfect year to finish some more!
Wooo hooo, what a wonderful accomplishment. Congrats to all!
I am always inspired to hunt down and CONQUER some of my UFOs when you make this challenge. Thanks for doing it again this year!
Now I have 30 UFOs left on Jan 1, 2010.
My plan is to finish TWO a month this year. AND I'm going to finish everything I START in the first six months (some things just can't be finished before the end of the year when they were recently started).
You heard it here!
While I only finished 2 of my 8 UFOs I so appreciated the "push" this challenge gave. The other UFOs have seen some progress and will actually get finished. Without this challenge they would still be sitting on a shelf or in a drawer. And I'm having fun! Thanks again for the challenge. And congrats to all who finished!
yep, I was one that managed zero finishes of ufo's...but...there is always 2010 to tackle them! thanks so much for all the encouragement even if I wasn't able to get to that finish line.
Yay Us!
Thanks for hosting this, Finn!
Congrats on another UFO challenge success Finn, and congrats to all the victors on their progress! 8-)
PS: happy new year to you! I hope 2010 is a great one for you! 8-)
Congratulations to all for the finishes accomplished!
Thanks again to Finn for the push - for me and I'm sure for many it was more than we would have done on our own.
Happy New Year To All!!
I'd say that's a very impressive total! I'm glad that I got to play along - I hope there will be a challenge again in 2010!
You have been such a wonderful encourager to all of us, Finn! Thank has been fun! Of course, I started more than I finished...
Thanks for hosting this challenge. I only managed to get 2 out of my 3 pledged quilts finished, but I'm happy to have at least 2 more finished quilts!
There's always next year, right?
Of the two that I didn't finish, one is nearly there and the other still needs a bit more time. At least they got out of their boxes and were worked on and to me that is a 'good thing'.
Your challenge is great ... no pressure, no rules .... and I would join again. Many thanks for hosting this challenge! :o)
Whoops, I bet I'm one of the gals you didn't hear back from. Things got crazy (crazier?) and I only finished two projects. I've been reading your posts and am wondering what is VBS?
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