quilts and beds. That's how we think of them..like bread and butter. And so it used to be, but not so much anymore. Quilts have come out of the closet, so to speak, in recent years. Now they can be 'snuggle', 'couch potato',wall, mini, extra mini, teeny-tiny mini and so much more. Whatever the mind can dream up, it's probably possible to make into some form of quilt. Quilts and beds....
beds and quilts...end of my saga??? Probably not *VBS* Enter Ebony,unplanned, unrehearse, unexpected, but not unwanted. If she was familiar with quilts in her previous life, you couldn't tell. She took to quilts immediately... bed quilts, floor quilts, on the chair quilts, hanging off the ironing board quilts, and even quilt blocks laid out on the floor. I had been under the illusion that it was MY bed, and MY quilt. Apparently no one told her.
It's come to the point where not only does she 'share' my bed and my quilts, she has begun to think they are HERS!! In these chilly dark days of winter, she lives on the bed. The fact I keep and electric blanket turned on 24/7 doesn't hurt either. It is, after all, a VERY cold bedroom with a north and east corner exposure. These newer units weren't built to be energy efficient, just pretty. Brrrrrrr!
This has been a hard winter for both Ebony and the old Finn-ster. The days have been darker, longer and colder than ever before it seems. Little by little I have turned my bed and quilts into a nest. First it was the adding of an older(less well populated)down comforter over me,and under the quilt. She firmly approved of the added softness up top. Then it was a flannel backed quilt, flannel side up for her comfort, across the foot of the bed, read 'extra layer for frozen toes'. And finally, from the depths of dark and cold, I resort to pulling out the feather bed. I haven't used it much lately, as it makes keeping the bed neat in appearance, very difficult. To sleep on, it's wonderful, soft, warm and comfy. Ebony totally approves of the feather bed part of the nest.
And what it had done is drive home the idea that it's HER bed and she'd thank me to NOT disturb her by getting into it and under the assorted covers! I went in late this afternoon for a bit of a lay down, and it was very clear that HER flannel lined, extra comfy, electrically warmed nest wasn't for sharing!!! Boy, I'm glad spring is just around the corner *VBS*P.S. the letters are the only thing I've sewn on this past month..better days coming, I hope.
8 hours ago
Aren't cats funny? Our two have their own corners on "our" bed, and let each other know it if the dividing line gets crossed.
Glad both you and Ebony are keeping warm when winter seems to go on longer and longer.
Maybe you can get sewing again by working with warm flannel?
Finn, If I didn't know better I would think you were describing my bed and the way one of our cats act...she loves the electric blanket warmth...but so do I love it.
Sounds like you are ready for longer days, sunshine and true warmth....I know we are!
Keep in mind that thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this... In your house, it is the heated bed. In mine, it the heated bathroom floor. Heaven forbid you should need to use the bathroom..
We have done the same...last count we had 4 quilts on the bed...dear husband wants a comforter too!! And we are not nearly as cold here as you are where you are. I love to see your quilts, they are inspiring, and thank you for sharing them.
I'm going to take a photo of the daffodils which have just come out and will send it toyou to make you feel warm.
So sorry this winter seems to have dragged on and on for you and Ebby. I know how much it gets one down when it's like that.
Chin up - spring is just around the corner VBS
Ebony must have been in conference with my RB. Only RB has a heating pad. The two of my cats have always slept with me & have let me know how & where they like the quilts. (RB under, Rhapsody on top)
So..cold to me is a 40* night here in the Sonoran Desert, lol. We have one cotton blanket, the electric blanket, a quilt, and then a feather duvet!!! It's all in perception. 8^)
Back in Ohio our outside cat house (our version of a dog house) had a heating pad under a cheap fabric woven floor rug. The cats stayed put most of the winter. The sides of the house were made from double pane windows, so they could watch what was going on, and we could see them!
Nests are the best! There is absolutely nothing like snuggling into the warm softness when it's cold. Shame on the builders for making such an uninsulated space. Stay warm, spring is on the way!!
I know what you mean about feather beds making keeping the bed looking neat being a problem, but, oh, they are heaven to sleep on! Our cats were both napping next to me on the bed last evening until one gave the other stinkeye and got chased off, which of course made the dog run up the stairs to see what was going on.
Glad to see some fabric has been in your cold hands aside from the piles of quilts keeping you warm :)
So good to hear from you again. Sorry I have not sent the orphans. They are boxed just having a hard time getting to the post office. Hope you stay toasty with all your wonderful quilts! :)Em
Have you enjoyed making the letters? I bought some flannel to make my new niece letters, but haven't printed out my templates yet. Did you put batting in them, or just use the two layers of fabric?
I'm glad you are keeping warm in bed - we never let our cat on our bed - didn't like kitty hairs on the quilts....now that she's gone, I wish a little that we had.
It's been colder here, too, than usual. Houston has not really had a winter in a long time. But we got one this year! Spring is almost here, though, thank God! And yes, our cats feel the same way about our beds. I mean their beds. :)
so glad you have posted again!!
really like hearing from you and ebby
am so sorry that your house isn't insulated properly, but happy that you have found a way through the worst of the winter (hoping the worst is over)
Welcome back. Lovely quilts and kitties. We are the kitties pets. LOL.
It's good to hear from you again Finn. The winter is yielding to spring, and warmer days are ahead.
I haven't had an electric blanket in a long while. I think my cats would be ecstatic if I got one, much less if I left it on day and night for them. Ebby's got it pretty good.
Glad to see your post. My Booker cat is doing the same. It has been cold in Birmingham for my southern blood using 4 and 5 quilts at a time. Global Warming.. God Bless and Keep sewing..
Glad to see your post. My Booker cat is doing the same. It has been cold in Birmingham for my southern blood using 4 and 5 quilts at a time. Global Warming.. God Bless and Keep sewing..
Quilts on the bed, flannel and down,
Cat by your side with snow still on the ground,
Snuggling while you wait for spring to arrive,
As long as your toes stay warm you will survive!
I can't wait until it warms up either, winter has had it's day! Someone told me Daylight Savings changes over next weekend so it can't be too long to spring right?
I can relate! Sometimes it's just to cool to get things done... unless your in the kitchen where it's nice and warm. Or warmer cause I'm baking something! Like the gingerbread I just took outta the oven! Hmmmm I can still smell it drifting downstairs to entice me up for some!
Ole Ebony will be happy when it's warmer outside too... begging to see what everyone (mostly you) is doing out there!
So glad to see you posting again! And I agree, shame on the builders who didn't put sufficient insulation in a new building in a northern state!!! Of all regions in our country they ought to know better. Cost cutting trumps energy savings I guess. humph.
Shame on Ebby for being a bed hog too ;- )
Our house is not energy efficient either and we found our dining room way too cold to eat at the table in the winter. Solution, large quilt on the wall and it really has made a difference. Our cats do look for warmth and I usually have one or two on my lap when I quilt .... they do know where to go to keep warm, don't they!
ah yes Finn, better days are coming! my corner of OUR state is drying out! read that as WINDY, but I don't mind too much since the mud is letting up a bit. cold though and the extra quilt really helps! Jim is working nights so I have to make more heat for myself.
dropping by to catch up and say I have been thinking a lot about you dear friend. we use hot water bottles for cold toes and Zoe gets one too. Ah...nothing beats extra warmth when you are chilled to the bone feeling.
daffies blooming here so spring is on it's way despite hail and the cold. those letters are so cheery and fun!
Sorry for the cold, dreary weather. Glad you are taking advantage of your wonderful quilts, as well as Ebony. Cute letters.
I love quilts on beds! Those two 9-patch quilts (the brown and blue) are just gorgeous!
Miss you Finn, you are my favourite blogger......still plodding away on my 09 projects..I will get there!!
Sending warm wishes..
Ann-Maree in Sydney
I suspect I am where you are with sewing. Minus the Ebby of course! I have my Honey to boss me about the bed.
My sister has a barn cat (she has 5 horses and a mule) - she leaves a small heating pad on during the winter for the cat and it is her favorite perch! When I bought a feather mattress my DH laughed - until he slept in it. Now he calls it Momma's Heaven Bed. They really are so soft and warm. I like your magnets - always nice to have a smaller project to work on when you just don't feel like getting involved in something bigger. Cheers! Evelyn
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