Friday, October 13, 2006

Having fun with Betsy's scraps.......this little pile of mostly blue is left overs and sized down parts from her latest quilt. In addition to that she gave me access to her 15 gallon rubbermaid tote, which was overflowing. Man oh man, did I have fun!!! Of course you can't do "justice" to a scrap bag or basket in one I do have an invitation to come back and play some more...*VBG*
When I got up there, she lives about 4 miles from me, way out in the country, we yakked...poured over the new Masten/Moran book, and had lunch. I decided I would be making "parts"....ala "The Parts Department". I took the lime green yardage with me, as it will be my nuetral in this quilt. I also took black
white prints, but never got that far.
I pulled out colors I like, has the pieces she liked tossed at me, and in general, had a ball!!! I cut and sliced and diced and sewed on her old Bernina.
She was busy making a strippy donation quilt from many old pastel strips. They had been trimmed off patchwork backing. And she did it "quilt as you go". By the time I left about 5, it was ready for her binding to go on. Above here are the 'beginning' of my new row quilt....definitely a parts department approach. And I brought home a few 'selected' scraps plus the bag of blue trimmings....lucky me!!!
We also discussed and agreed upon beginning a "trade you" project again. It may turn out to be much like what Gwen and Freddy did. I'm pushing for a whole stash of "parts"...made from scratch. She's not quite ready to commit to that one...LOL...but we are going to each be making broken dishes(starting with a 5" square) in brights and scrappy. Each pair of 5" sqs. sewn together will give us 2 broken dished blocks. We'll keep one and trade one...and then see what happens next. Should be alot of fun! Happy Friday the 13th out for black cats! Posted by Picasa


Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

I'm not superstitious and I love black cats although I don't have one.

It sounds like you were in your element with Betsy's scraps and having so much fun. Friends are wonderful!

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh pretty, pretty, pretty! This will be fun to see it gow!

Libby said...

Lime green as a neutral -- how VERY Freddie of you *s*. Sounds like a fun afternoon.

Hedgehog said...

Ooh! It looks like so much fun!! I need to work on some parts!

Joyce said...

That sounds like my kind of party. Food and quilting.

dot said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful day. Oh how jealous I am of you and your fun. Someday I will be able to enjoy those carefree days without work calling me. Enjoy!!!!!!!

Fiona said...

Do I get the impression that digging around Betsy's scraps was the quilty version of a kid let loose in a sweet shop? Sounds like you had a fun day.

Nancy said...

OOH! I want to come play in Betsy's scraps, too.

Lois R. said...

Hee hee! Beware of black cats!

Sounds like you had a blast yesterday! I'm envious of your access to a friend's scrap stash...

Tonya Ricucci said...

Wow, looks like a lot of fun. wish I could play with you too!

quiltpixie said...

love the lime green as a neautraL!

ForestJane said...

Watch out for black cats? lol

I'm sure Ebby doesn't appreciate that warning. :)

Her eyes look so golden on that quilt - how can you stand not reaching down and giving her a smurgle on the top of her head?

The churn dash quilt is looking great, and so are all your brights in this new one!

Granny said...

Looks like those blocks would fit right in the Moran books! What fun!

Judy L.

Linda C said...

You and Betsy really got back into the sewing swing. That almost glows in the dark, LOL but what fun!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You got to go through someone else's scraps? How fun!

Love the colors in your new quilt!

Judy said...

Love the parts and the fun!!

Vicky said...

I love your Freddy blocks! I'm still collecting brights - but it's definitely on my to-do list for next year!


Maggie Ann said...

Broken dishs...that sounds interesting and I like your red & brown quilt in honor of Laura Ingalls. She won all of our hearts, didn't she.

Lily Mulholland said...

Yes LOL at the description of lime green as a neutral. Way to go Finn! Sounds like you had a lovely day together :)

Ali Honey said...

I reckon lime green is certainly ligit as a neutral; just like red!
Glad to hear you were both happy and enjoying sewing and each others friendship. Strive to be happy!
Hugs from NZ.