today, including a run to the eye specialist before this "stuff" gets worse. I'll be back soon...*VBS* Angie...I'll type that pattern in for you as soon as I can...don't give up on me..*S*
Cartoon complements of my friend Jean, coloring by Finn. Now I suppose every one will want an orange chicken..LOL
I just love this cartoon. My husband always says when he put on long pants that he is wearing his "Big Boy Pants".
Does your friend Jean sell her cartoons? Does she have a web site or blog?
I have been out of the blogging loop for awhile .... I love your Patience Corner block. What a great block to use with scraps. I would like to add this block to my todo list. Where did this block come from and is it free or copyrighted?
love the cartoon!! it is a classic! you are right some days you need to put those "big girl underwear" on and take care of business. Hope the eye doctor's visit helped!
That is one very cute cartoon. I hope your eye doctor visit went well and you're feeling (is that the right word?) better. Sending big hugs your way.
Take care, I have been enjoying your descriptions of seasonal objects.
Good luck with the doctor's visit. Thinking of you.
life is what happens while you're busy making plans.... :-)
My your eye doctor visit have gone well. Eyes are such pesty things when they aren't working clearly.
Blessings and Hugs.
Hope you can get your eye problem solved. I know how hard it was when my husband's eyes were giving him trouble..
No rush, Finn, don't know when I'll get around to trying it. :) I'm still trying to get the tree decorated and a couple of gifts finished up. LOL
Hope all goes well with the doctor -- particularly if you are wearing your 'best' big girl panties *s* Oh my that's a funny card. I will have to store that saying up for future use.
cute cartoon Finn...will be hoping nothing but good news will be forthcoming on solving your eye saga.
Loved your cute cartoon and I hope all went well and you got what you needed at the eye doctor to take care of your eyes. So sorry to hear that you are still having eye trouble.
You did a great coloring job...and put me on that list for an orange chicken. *LOL*
or chicken ala orange...
Good luck with your appointment.
Sending purrs of get well soon.
Prayers for you, my dear friend.
Love the "Life is what happens while you are making plans." I've got to do something with that, if it is only to read it often. Your eyes may be a bit out of focus but your attitude is clear as can be. VBS
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