Here are a couple more snaps of the Patience Corner block. This gives a clearer idea of what you are working with. Top pic: Taking a 5" square, add a 2" X 5" strip across the top. Press. Then add a 2" X 6.5" strip down one side. Make four of these sub units.
Lay them out in this order: Upper left two sides of the

dark to the outside, and the white making a backwards L. Do the same in the lower right side..with 2 sides of the dark not touching white. Then add the last two subunits with their noses coming together in the middle. There you go....one 12" Patience Corner block just as soon as you sew and press it! It's a great "in progress" block, and can be made from ANY size squares you want to use...*VBS*
This block has such potential, and is simple as well, thanks for an excellent picture tutorial!
Thanks for continuing to give us the tutoring on this block. I went out today and bought some white tone on tone to use with my Christmas fabric squares. I promised myself I wouldn't start sewing the blocks until I got all my pre-Christmas duties finished. Working on this quilt will be my reward!
wonderful quilt block.... I can "see" this in a variety of sizes, maybe really large using a BOM for some of the larger print areas....
Love this Finn, so simple yet great to look at. Hope you are keeping warm tracey
I love this quilt pattern.. You keep inspiring me.. Big hug..
What a simple and visually stimulating block. Thanks for the directions. I lik your snowmen. I don't think I've ever seen something like that before.
I so appreciate this visual Finn! thanks ever so much.
Great instructions and pics. Another to add to my "to do" list.
Ahh -- now it makes sense. I couldn't really see the block in the previous post. Finn is a tricky, tricky girl *s*
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