And I like to use colored pencils. They have such lovely colored pencils now....a far cry from the short 5 colors pencils of my childhood.
I came across this book at our library's book sale. They pull stuff from circulation and sell tables full on election days. Usually they are a quarter each or 5/$1. And I love wood cuts. So this was a perfect book for me..*VBS*..there were two of them, so I took both. I have since passed one onto a friend. And this one that I keep, I "color" the light parts of the illustrations. Not always filling in every blank space..but adding what I want to where I want it. I also do that in coloring book, or cartoons. It drives some people I know(*G*G*G*G*) "wild" that I may go through the book and just color various parts of pictures red, or purple and then move on to another picture. Hey it's my color book, right???? It's that when I am an old woman(which I am) syndrome.

The "eye guy" believes it is an allergic reaction to the eye drops I was using for itching allergy eyes. And so I have two new kinds to put in. This a.m. it feels the worst it's been since last spring. But I'll give the drops a chance. And use cold compresses in between drops. That does help dull the itch and pain. That part of my face looks like sirloin steak! And I have another dr. appointment at noon, for something else. It's a gray rainy 40 degree day here. Very strange for December. We NO snow anywhere in this part of WI...go figure.
I am sending prayers your way that your eyes get better soon!!!
you sound pretty chipper for someone with a bum eye! *S* I think it's cool that you color the way you want. it's a woman's perogative to color as she chooses! Love the woodcuts, so i am jealous of your coloring book. don't know how you are sewing with your eye but the whatever block is great.
hope you are seeing with both eyes soon
(((HUGS))) to you! And prayers too that your eye will get better very soon.
BTW, I love to color. I used to keep a coloring book/colors in my office. For one of the driver's little girls who used to come visit me all the time. Or so I said. Seems like I colored in it more than Brianna did. LOL!
hope your eye clears up quickly with the new drops.... sounds very annoying to put it mildly :-)
So sorry that the drops that were meant to help have only made things worse! Such a hassle! Hope the new ones make it better. I can just only imagine the pain and discomfort. I hate having just one cat hair in my eyes, nothing liek what you have to deal with. Feel better!
I hope your pain and itching is gone soon finn - no fun. Once my husband scratched his eye and one of the eye drops the dr. gave to him actually numbed the eye so he didn't have to feel the pain... not sure what they give you in the US as this was a dr. in Austria so I thought I would mention it.
As always, I spy some cute novelty fabrics in your block! Your quilts must truly delight children.
Hope that eye gets better fast!
I love those illustrations. I let a wonderful fairy tale book go, & am kicking myself for not buying it!
Love the Whatever block- love colours!
Oh that eye sounds sore! Hope the new meds help!
I love what you've done with the colored pencils..
Oh Finn - I sympathize! Allergy eyes are absolutely awful! I hope the new drugs take care of it. Speaking of taking care of something - that On Behalf of Chickens book is very hard to find these days and I'm told is worth quite a bit on Ebay. I have it too - I bought all their books for years - it has some great quilts in it.
The scrapaholic block is looking good - that's such a fun block to play with!
sorry to hear about the bad eye...oh, how painful it sounds...and yet, there you are going on with a neat block to show us. I love to color..glad you are a rebel and color in your books how you please! good for you ...hugs!
Oh, gosh, sweetie, I hope your eye is a lot better tomorrow! Will be thinking of you!
Sorry to hear about your eye - it sounds very painful. I think colouring is a bit like quilting - when you are doing it you forget about everything else - more people should do it!
I hope your eye is feeling better quickly -- it must be so darned frustrating for you.
I think it's great that you only color what you want -- artist's choice, right? *s*
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