I was so pleased tonight to read that you like the woodcuts and my coloration..*S*. I do too. All of the pictures aren't tinted as yet, but many of the ones I really like have been. And maybe they all will be eventually, or maybe left to cause someone to wonder why some are and some aren't. Rather like we wonder about unfinished quilt tops, who the maker was and why it isn't finished.
In my travels today(dr. appt) I passed the Rescue Farm a couple of mile outside my little village. It's run by a couple of ordinary people with normal ho-hum lives, who have decided to give injured, elderly and otherwise unwanted horses a place to live out their final days in peace. It's hard to rescue dogs and cats, birds and other small creatures. Hard in the sense that there are sooooo many of them, and not nearly enough homes to take them. Horses present a whole different set of problems. Different equipment, different accomidations, more food, more sanitary disposal of waste..bigger almost everything. And I am soooo happy to know that there are people and places who try to cover the need to rescue those who need it.
My heart is very tender about horses. They have such a magnificant spirit and beautiful way of being in the world. If their purpose in being was to serve us, they certain have done it well.
I wonder about that Rescue Farm. I don't know much about it. An annual fund raiser, volunteer help needed occasionally I think. Hay dontations. I saw there were 6 or 7 in the field, grazing, today as I passed and a colt..*VBS* Definitely a late season baby. I saw the round bales stacked in a different area, and I saw the rescue sign. I can't begin imagine what a volunteer would do up there. And I probably wouldn't be good for much of anything except to brush them, I don't think. But I think I'll ask so that I have a better understanding about it. Like the quilts we make and donate to the many causes who give them as comfort, I wouldn't have known unless I asked about it..*VBS* The day has been a good one. The left eye, that is part of my daily life, is miserable. Equally miserable tonight as it was all day. Time will tell if it will settle down and behave. It's one of those things that I have to do more than give it "lip service". If I don't, I won't have it. But for tonight, I can think about horses.
Those letter prints are really beautiful. Thanks for sharing them.
Love your "colouring' and I think that as long as you are happy you can do what you want. Especially if that is help at the farm. I'm sure 'just brushing' would be most appreciated and you may get as much out of it as those poor unwanted horses. Tracey
Hi Finn! Really love your artwork with the colored pencils. It sounds like you had a good day despite the doctor appointments and eye problems. It sounds like volunteering at the farm would be fun! I hope your eye gets better, stay warm, and tell Ebby Hi!
horses are such elegant animals.... I'm sure there's lots volunteers can do to make the farm run smoothly. maybe even something you'd enjoy :-)
even brushing them would be so helpful..and so sootheing I would think-how fun to stop by and learn what you can and maybe lend a hand even. It's good to help animals.
I love that type of coloring book and have several myself that I use for design inspiration. Be careful of your eye especially on a farm with all the dust and pollen. We have, here in Colorado, a big cat rescue. It is Big Cats of Serenity Springs. I don't understand the attraction of owning an exotic (large) cat and I donate to this organization yearly to help keep them afloat.
So sorry to hear about your eye. I hope Ebby is taking good care of you and giving you loads of love. purrrr.
Yes, be careful of horse hair allergies. Many years ago, my DD2 had trouble in the gym at school and we discovered the huge mats hung under the basketball nets were filled with horse hair. The kids would run and hit the mat. Maybe the horse carekeepers would like a graditude quilt. Take care of the eye and the rest of you too.
I can hardly keep up with all your postings. Big smiles and hugs to you..
Volunteering at the horse rescue -- what a great idea. I think Hubby might allow me to do such a thing as I wouldn't be able to come home with a car full of horses . . . or would I? *s*
Finn, that sounds like a nice outlet, being outside and with animals. what more could you ask for?? For me, I would get more out of the experience than I could possibly hope to give.
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