I want to thank everyone for all the lovely snow comments *VBS* And special "thank you!" to you gals who found a link to patterns for jibber, and for a wonderful, heartwarming offer from
Paula to knit one for me! *VBS* Paula, you are just the BEST!

This is the quilt I made back in the mid 1980's using the 4 patch variation block I showed in Saturday's post. My friend Carol was doing it in plaid shirts fabric, I used scraps. ALL the pieces were template traced, and scissor cut. Took a few evenings *VBS* It's machine pieced and hand quilted 1/4" from each seam.

Part of THE LOOT: Yesterday was a FULL day of shopping with friend Jean. It's such a great help when she drives us. And I can buy more than I would alone, because she always helps me carry everything inside! A portion of what I need for 9 grandsons....LOL. I see wrapping in my future...*VBS*

And still more loot to wrap.. a few little girly things and some stocking stuffers beginning to pile up! Wish me luck!!! Ebby is just sleeping through it all, lucky cat!
Looks like you did a great job of helping Santa out! I am trying to stay away from Bonnie's mystery quilt, but it is getting harder and harder....
I love that scrappy four patch variation ... but to do it in plaids! Too too tempting!
the little critters are always so much smarter than we are. I should sleep through it all as well. My feet hurt from the store to store gallop.
Wishing you good luck wrapping all that stuff LOL! Note - I am finally caught up! Hopefully I won't get behind again. I shouldn't - only 12 more working days and then I'll be a free woman. Just wait until you see what I'll get done then.
Back to South Africa...yesterday. I got almost caught up on blog reading. Loved the photo of the pint sized little ones!Too dear. Colleen
Ooh -- yeah, wrapping. Um, I've been putting that one off. Maybe I should get started!!! I only have the one little one but Grandma already shipped up most of the gifts!
Hmmm - there's gonna be some happy, happy grandchildren come Christmas *s* Good luck with the wrapping *my least favorite step*
Wonderful snow pictures of you, Finn. I love seeing pieces from your past. I'm happy Ebby is feeling more secure in what I think is a relatively short amount of time. It's a testament to your loving care and calm spirit :) I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's mystery quilts. I don't do mysteries until they are revealed. Hugs.
Your very own jibber?--way to go, Paula!
I love this scrappy quilt---how very Finn-like it is. Lots of colors and fabrics and lots to look at.
I can't even imagine making 100 of anything especially something that small---I would have no hair left on my head! Maybe once you all are done and I know that things can be cut a tad bigger and less of them, I'll consider it. Maybe, then maybe not. Let y'all be the guinea pigs.
Love your quilt! I am a scrappy addict! I get high just looking at scrappy quilts, so you can imagine what happens if I actually touch one!
It is a beautiful quilt, and I wish I had my shopping done!
Love the quilt, want to make one like that soon. The mystery 9-patches are taking me forever to do, but I'm on the home run now. 100 is a LOT of 9patches, even if they are tiny.
And that pile of presents makes me nostalgic for the times when I had a mountain of things to wrap. My kids are getting one major present apiece, that't the way they want it. Not much wrapping to do this year.....
Such a beautiful scrappy wonderful quilt, and it is hand-quilted. I just love "qulting by the piece", you know, the quilting a 1/4 inch from the seam. Lovely!
I know your christmas mystery quilt will be wonderful, Finn! and will keep up wtih your making of it.
That is a fine looking quilt, Finn. And it looks like your mystery is going to be pretty too. Glad Ebby is still calm.
I love your scrappy quilt. It's beautiful!
I am so proud of you that you are not resorting to giving your children the money to buy the kids presents themselves....they may as well bury me the day I do that!!!!-and love the quilt,lol Tracey
Love that scrap quilt, looks just like ones that live at my house. Is that made from the "Mary's Triangle" block??
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